2024-02: Fencing
2024-02: Winterfest
2024-01: Crew Casino Night
2023-12: Bladesmithing
Upcoming Events:
When: Saturday, December 9th, 8:30am-3:00pm
Where: East View Cemetery
Sign Up: (Coming soon!)
Info: The VOA will again be partnering with the OA Lodge for a joint Day of Service in December! We will be picking up leaves, trimming branches, and cleaning head stones at East View Cemetery in downtown Atlanta. Lunch is NOT provided, please either bring a lunch of some money to walk over to a local fast food restaurant.
December 10th (Sunday) – Bladsmithing (Crew)
When: Sunday, December 10th, 10am-4:00pm
Where: The Forge at Art Center West
Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4BA4A82EA4FAC25-bladesmithing
Info: This will be a 6 Hour Blacksmithing Course where we will all learn out to forge Railroad Spike Knives! Every participant will leave with finished knife. More Info is available on the Crew Calendar Event for the day.
2023-11: Fire Night
2023-10: Axe Throwing
It may have been a last minute adjustment, but we had an awesome day throwing axes! After a few warm up throws, we split into to some… interesting teams including First to Raise Their Hands v. Others and then Waldrops + Max v. Everyone Else for a few competitive rounds. We even had a few duels with to determine the best Waldrop, the most Holden Holden, the most accurate Maggie, and of course, the ultimate sasquatch. And of course, we spent a good amount of time discussing the merits of sandwich press technology. Overall, it was a pretty great afternoon!
Hope to see everyone at the VOA Cookoff next Sunday, you can come and cheer on our teams even if you aren’t cooking on a team yourself!
Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2q8A5noAQw2m7e217
2023-09: Pool Party
Thanks everyone who came to the Crew 2319 Pool Party on Wednesday, it was so much fun!! And a special shout out and thank you to the Arnolds for offering to host such a fun night. Thank you!