VOA Activity

2024-02: VOA Banquet

Huge thank you to everyone from C2319 who came out to the VOA Banquet this past Sunday. It was great to show our support to the VOA as well as our fellow crew members. Nice job to the VOA Officers (Especially Michael, VOA President a& Maggie, VOA VP Communications) on a really fun and engaging night! Make sure you congratulate Maggie next time you see her on receiving a Council VOA Award recognizing her dedication to Venturing & willingness to go above and beyond. Congrats Maggie!
We also took advantage of the opportunity to present to of our own Crew 2319 specific recognitions, the Crew Golden Eggs! This is a new recognition we are starting internally in C2319 as a way of recognizing our own members who never say now, who help push our crew to new heights, and overall just do amazing work. Our inaugural recipients were Michael & Maggie, congrats again!!
Crew Activity

2024-01: Crew Casino Night

Everyone seemed to have a great time at Crew Casino Night! Fun, games, movies, pizza and more. It was a long night, but we did eventually wind our way down to a top three players who were presented our stupendous awards! Just be sure to read that disclosure carefully!
**And yes, we didn’t actual gamble, it was all just for fun**
There’s lots of great things coming up, we have BSA Winterfest in less than 2 weeks and VOA Banquet at the end of Feb. Check our GroupMe for info and signup links to both.

2023-12: Bladesmithing

Our Bladesmithing Day at The Forge was a huge success!! It was so much fun and we learned tons. Our instructor Bob Laskowski was amazing. He gave great & clear demos, was fun to talk to, helped fix our issues, & made sure everyone left at the end of the day with a knife. 10/10 would recommend and will definitely be back. The pics here are just the tip of the iceberg, see the rest and some videos at: https://photos.app.goo.gl/jEx3XPP3vhdX4gjE6
You can also check out Theforgeartcenterwest as they posted a ton of pictures and videos from our class as well!!
Crew News

Upcoming Events:

December 9th (Saturday) – Day of Service (VOA & OA)
What: VOA Inter Crew Cook Off Day
When: Saturday, December 9th, 8:30am-3:00pm
Where: East View Cemetery
Cost: FREE!
Sign Up: (Coming soon!)
Info: The VOA will again be partnering with the OA Lodge for a joint Day of Service in December! We will be picking up leaves, trimming branches, and cleaning head stones at East View Cemetery in downtown Atlanta. Lunch is NOT provided, please either bring a lunch of some money to walk over to a local fast food restaurant.

December 10th (Sunday) – Bladsmithing (Crew)

What: Bladesmithing 101 – Knife Making
When: Sunday, December 10th, 10am-4:00pm
Where: The Forge at Art Center West
Cost: ~$130
Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4BA4A82EA4FAC25-bladesmithing
Info: This will be a 6 Hour Blacksmithing Course where we will all learn out to forge Railroad Spike Knives! Every participant will leave with finished knife. More Info is available on the Crew Calendar Event for the day.
Crew Activity

2023-11: Fire Night

Thanks everyone who came to our Crew 2319 Fire at Unity Night! It was relaxed, fun, we got to talk about our crew plans for 2024, and even had a new member join!! Did you miss last Wednesday but still had some good adventure ideas? Let us know via bit.ly/C2319Ideas
Don’t forget, our next event is THIS Saturday, the VOA & OA are holding a joint Day of Service at East View Cemetery 8:30am-3:00pm, hope to see you there.
Crew Activity

2023-10: Axe Throwing

It may have been a last minute adjustment, but we had an awesome day throwing axes! After a few warm up throws, we split into to some… interesting teams including First to Raise Their Hands v. Others and then Waldrops + Max v. Everyone Else for a few competitive rounds. We even had a few duels with to determine the best Waldrop, the most Holden Holden, the most accurate Maggie, and of course, the ultimate sasquatch. And of course, we spent a good amount of time discussing the merits of sandwich press technology. Overall, it was a pretty great afternoon!

Hope to see everyone at the VOA Cookoff next Sunday, you can come and cheer on our teams even if you aren’t cooking on a team yourself!

Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2q8A5noAQw2m7e217

Crew Activity

2023-08: Escape Game Atlanta

Thanks Ultimate Escape Game Atlanta for helping us have one of our most well attended crew outings yet! We had 20+ members come out and have a blast escaping from Submerged, Dawn by Dead, and Amnesia. Thanks everyone who came!