Huge thank you to everyone from C2319 who came out to the VOA Banquet this past Sunday. It was great to show our support to the VOA as well as our fellow crew members. Nice job to the VOA Officers (Especially Michael, VOA President a& Maggie, VOA VP Communications) on a really fun and engaging night! Make sure you congratulate Maggie next time you see her on receiving a Council VOA Award recognizing her dedication to Venturing & willingness to go above and beyond. Congrats Maggie!
We also took advantage of the opportunity to present to of our own Crew 2319 specific recognitions, the Crew Golden Eggs! This is a new recognition we are starting internally in C2319 as a way of recognizing our own members who never say now, who help push our crew to new heights, and overall just do amazing work. Our inaugural recipients were Michael & Maggie, congrats again!!
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