Crew News

Games & Grub

We hope you can join us on Sunday, December 8th from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM for a fun night of board game adventures. We will be meeting in the Holy Grounds Cafe at Unity North Church. Drinks and snacks will be provided. We welcome any youth ages 14 -21 interested in some fun and learning about our crew.

So that we have an accurate count for snacks, please sign up here. We will have a variety of games, but if there is a specific game you are interested in, leave it in the comments of the sign up form.

Crew Activity

Photography Clinic – Day 1

We had a great first session for our Photography Clinic and Merit Badge. Our guest instructor, Ms. Susan Ripley walked the participants through the camera operation basics and then discussed different techniques for taking pictures. We can not wait for the November session to see everyone’s photo stories.

Crew News

Adventure Photography Clinic

Join Crew 2319 for a two part series on getting the most out of your photos whether on an adventure in the wilderness or just hanging with your friends.

The clinic will be at Unity North Church on Sunday, October 13th and Sunday, November 10th from 4PM – 5PM. See the calendar for the address. Attending this clinic will help you take better photos with any type of camera and a counselor is available for those wanting to earn the merit badge. Topics included:

  • Camera basics and settings
  • Getting the most from your Smart Phone Camera
  • Different types of poses and lighting
  • Different types of filters and basic editing techniques.

All are welcome to attend the clinic, you do not need to be part of the crew. Dress is informal, no uniforms required. Please sign up using the Sign Up Genius link. If you are planning to work on the merit badge, please download and use the merit badge worksheet found here.

Crew Activity

Lego Hunger Games

During our May meeting, the Crew decided to get a little creative and have some fun during the first ever Lego Hunger Games Challenge. The crew members where paired up into districts, got 30 seconds to raid the cornucopia, and then build a tribute (based on a picture) for the capital. The districts with a tribute that best matched the picture was showered in fabulous prizes and glory! Needless to say, the pictures do not do justice the carnage going on at the cornucopia!

Crew Activity


A number of our crew members attended the Order of the Arrow Section 9 Conclave over the weekend. The Conclave includes lodges from all over Georgia and parts of Alabama. We got to experience a new scout camp, Black Creek scout reservation which is operated by the Coastal Georgia Council, and located about 60 miles from Savannah.

Lots of fun trading patches, talking with various presenters (the Georgia Crime Scene Investigator was pretty cool), games, and we got exposure to Native American regalia, drumming, and dance. Great weekend.

Crew Activity

Enigma Machine

Members of Crew 2319 put their cunning and cleverness to the test on Saturday trying to ESCAPE THE ROOM. We had to stop a Germany attack during Word War II by breaking the code for the Enigma Machine. We had a lot of fun and opened a lot of locked boxes. Did we escape? Check out the picture and guess…

Crew Activity

Terraforming Mars Game Day

The crew meet at on Sunday afternoon at Heroic Gaming to see who was the best at Terraforming Mars. We had two different games going, plenty of snacks and it was great time. The crew gave the afternoon two thumbs up, definitely something we do again. Check some of the pictures below.