Crew Positions

Crew President

Serves as youth leader of the crew
Implements the crew program in cooperation with officers and members
Works closely with Advisors and other adult leaders in a spirit of partnership
Represents the crew at Teen Leaders’ Council (TLC) meetings and council TLC program planning conference and is available to report to the chartered organization.
Assists the crew Advisor in conducting the crew officers seminar
Appoints youth chairs for special projects and appoints special crew officers
Presents the annual report to the chartered organization at the conclusion of the term of office
Assesses on an ongoing basis whether the responsibilities of the officers are being considered and carried out effectively
Approaches Venturing and encourages others to approach Venturing in a spirit of fun and enjoyment


Program Vice President

Serves as the program officers of the crew and, in that position, arranges the program planning process for the crew
Collects and maintains a crew activity file consisting of the program capability inventory (kept in google drive), a list of crew member interests and suggestions for activities, program resources, and an annual activity schedule
Determines the interests of the crew members on an ongoing basis (using Venturing activity interest survey’s)
Provides support for the chair and committee for each activity
Maintains an up-to-date calendar of crew meetings and activities
Approaches and encourages others to approach Venturing activities in a spirit of fun and enjoyment
Much of a crew’s success depends on the program of activities, and managing the development of a good program is the core of your responsibility. Venturing is based on planning a program that meets the needs and interests of crew members. This is done by asking crew members what they want to see their crew do, and being sure that meetings and activities are adequately evaluated after they take place.


Activity Chair
The activity chair for an activity is selected by the crew president and Advisor and is responsible for:

recruiting an activity committee (if needed)
planning (using the activity planning process),
promotion, and
staging the activity.
For relatively simple activities, the activity chair alone may be sufficient to carry out these three responsibilities. However, some activities in a crew are more complicated. For these, the activity chair recruits a committee and, depending upon the activity, receives help from the Advisor and consultants.

For example, if the activity is a bowling night, the activity chair probably can organize, promote, and run it alone. However, if the activity is a waterskiing party, then the activity chair might need other Ventures and adults to help with things such a equipment and transportation.

When the activity chair works with an appointed committee to plan an activity, the chair and the committee should go though the seven planning steps together. It is the responsibility of the chair to be sure that the activity planner (available in the crew’s google drive) is filled out and filed with the crew records.